Sand Lake Baptist Church
2960 NY-43, Averill Park, NY 12018 ~ (518) 674-3316 ~
Audio Sermons
By Date in Descending Order
December 29, 2024; Pastor Greg Belcher
Message: "God Knows Us" (Psalm 139:1-8, 13-18)
December 24, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Christmas Eve Service"
December 22, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "Preparing For Our Lord" (Isaiah 9:6-7)
December 15, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris
Message: "The Magi" (Matthew 2:1-12)
December 08, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "Pillar of Prayer, Pt 1 - Our Father" (Matthew 6:5)
December 01, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Withdraw Thyself From Evil" (1st Timothy, Ch 6)
November 24, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Pie & Praise Service" (Psalm 145)
November 24, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "Be Thee Truly Thankful This Thanksgiving" (1st Thessalonians 5:18-24)
November 17, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris
Message: "Heavenly Citizenship" (Philippians 3:17-21)
November 10, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "Sermon on the Mount-Promises of Prayer"
(Matthew 7:7-12)
November 03, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Widows Indeed" (1st Timothy, Chapter 5)
October 27, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "Christ is our CEO" (Colossians)
October 20, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris
Message: "Not Yet" (Philippians 3:12-16)
October 13, 2024; Pastor David Lynn
Message: "How to Have Faith in a Fearful World"
October 06, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Apostasy" (1st Timothy, Chapter 4)
September 29, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "The Way Out of the Wilderness" (Isaiah 43:18-19)
September 22, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "The ABCs of Christ" (Jn 8:9-11, 19:26-28; Matt 3:7, 4:3-4)
September 08, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "Does Your Anchor Hold in Your Storms of Life?" (2 Corinthians 4:8-18)
September 01, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "So You Want to be a Pastor?" (Matthew 7:1-5)
August 25, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Prayer, Teaching & Authority" (1 Timothy 2:1-15)
August 18, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: Bodey's Baptism
August 18, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "True Gospel vs False Teachers" (1 Timothy 1:1-20)
August 04, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "When Time Ends - What Then?"
July 28, 2024; Brother David Arthur
Message: "Time to Get Serious About the Gospel" (Philippians 1)
July 21, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 3 - Part 1
Message: "Rejoice!" (Philippians 3:1-3)
July 14, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "The Vine and the Branches, Part 2" (John 15:4-8)
July 07, 2024; Pastor Perry Jones
Message: "Courageous Faith Forged in Crisis" (John 4:46-53)
June 30, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "1 Timothy, An Overview" (1Timothy 1-6)
June 23, 2024; Pastor Mike Miner
Message: "A message based on Matthew 28:19"
June 16, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 2 - Part 3
Message: "A Father Brags About His Sons" (Philippians 2:18-24)
Ch 2, Part 2:
Ch 2, Part 1:
June 09, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "The Vine and the Branches, Part 1" (John 15:1-3)
May 26, 2024; Brother Peter Kleinke
Message: "The Believer Under Construction"
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
May 19, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "How Does God Respond to Your Prayers?"
(2 Chronicles 7:11-22)
May 12, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Gifts and Blessings"
May 05, 2024; Pastor Kevin Post
Message: "A Way to Pray" (Matthew 6:9-13)
April 28, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "What Came Next? Post Resurrection Period" (John 20:26-21:4)
April 21, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 2 - Part 2
Message: "Sanctify Us" (Philippians 2:12-16)
April 14, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "What Does the Cross Mean to You?" (Galatians 6:14)
April 14, 2024; Tim Knowles & Sophia Dunn
Mission Testimony from Zambia & Uganda, Africa
April 07, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Up Close and Personal" (Ephesians 4:1-7)
March 31, 2024; Brother Russ, Resurrection Sunday Service
Message: "The Resurrection" (John 20:1-17)
March 31, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt, Sunrise Service
Message: "Jesus Proves He Was Whom He Claimed to Be" (John 11:25)
March 29, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt, Good Friday
Message: "God No Longer Separated From Man" (Isaiah 52:13-53:12 & Luke 23:44-46)
March 28, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain, Upper Room Service
Message: "The Lord's Supper" (Luke 22:8-20)
March 24, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt, Part 2
Message: "The End of One Journey, The Start of Another" Palm Sunday (John 12:9-43)
March 17, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 2 - Part 1
Message: "Unity of Mind" (Philippians 2:1-11)
March 10, 2024; Pastor Allen Dustin
Message: "Speaking with Grace" (Ephesians 4:25-32)
March 03, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain, Part 8
Message: "A Healthy Dependence On God" (James 5:12-20)
Part 7:
Part 6:
Part 5:
Part 4:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1:
February 25, 2024; Brother Gary Blauvelt, Part 1
Message: "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" (Deuteronomy 5:31-33)
February 18, 2024; Brother Peter Kleinke
Message: "The ABCs of Faith in Christ" (Romans 10:9-13)
February 11, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 1 - Part 4
Message: "Live for the Gospel" (Philippians 1:27-30)
Ch 1, Part 3:
Ch 1, Part 2:
Ch 1, Part 1:
February 04, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain, Part 7
Message: "Dependence Upon God" (James 5:1-11)
​Part 6:
Part 5:
Part 4:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1:
January 28, 2024; Pastor Victor Harris, Phil Ch 1 - Part 3
Message: "Live" (Philippians 1:21-26)
Ch 1, Part 2:
Ch 1, Part 1:
January 21, 2024; Pastor Chuck Mosher
Message: "Names of God - Part 8"
Part 7: Part 6: Part 5: Part 4: Part 3: Part 2: Part 1:
January 14, 2024 - PM; Brother Russ Chamberlain
Message: "Christmas Afterglow Service"
January 14, 2024 - AM; Brother Gary Blauvelt
Message: "Unity in the Body of Christ," (Ephesians 4:1-16)
January 07, 2024; Brother Russ Chamberlain, Part 6
Message: "James - Chapter 4," (James 4)
Part 5:
Part 4:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1: